Title: Those Damn Expectations Always Clouding My Dreams
You hope, and you dream. But you never believe
that something's gonna happen for you.
Not like it does in the movies.
And when it actually does, you want it to feel different,
more visceral, more real.
I was waiting for it to hit me, but it just wouldn't happen.
Even though it didn’t hit me
That doesn’t mean it won’t hit you
You just have to keep believing
That someday maybe not to day maybe not tomorrow
Or maybe not in a year
But someday it will hit you
And you’ll feel extraordinary
You’ll feel as if you were just shun on by a thousand suns
You’ll feel as if no one can hurt you
For that one day you will be yourself
And not something someone else wants you to be
You’ll be yourself so enjoy it as it lasts
Cause at any point, at any time
But, like most of the time, you won’t be yourself anymore you
Will be that person someone else wants you to be
Thank you
I thought a lot about expectations and why they seem to be a big deal in our world after presenting my poem to the class.
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